9,312,452 ft2
0.7 yrs
Lionstone Investments wanted to standardize communication to investors about how their operating efforts were translating into a more profitable portfolio. Historically, these roll-ups were not only difficult to assemble, but they lacked the necessary data and analytical capabilities needed to generate and report on portfolio-wide impact.
9,312,452 ft2
0.7 yrs
Bractlet created Digital Energy Twins (TM) of all 32 buildings across the Lionstone portfolio that allowed for the identification and analysis of over 372 unique projects, normalizing for the unique design, utilization, and environmental characteristics of each building. Using the Bractlet Intelligence Platform and the Investment Decision Lab (TM) feature, Lionstone asset managers evaluated, decided, and timelined over 206 projects. Instituting standardized data structures and easy-to-use building tagging practices streamlined the creation of roll-up reports to communicate decisions and fund-level impact.
Lionstone standardizes their workflows and presentations to their investors by using Bractlet’s software. Across their portfolio they can easily report out on the 372 analyzed projects—status, costs, savings, and returns—along with measured ESG performance and impact.
Leveraging Digital Energy Twins, Bractlet’s software is unique in its ability to accurately analyze a portfolio of buildings at scale and utilize that information for easy roll-ups and reporting. This type of analysis now can get in the hands of financial decision-makers in a way that wasn’t possible without Bractlet. In addition, Bractlet’s software streamlines the reporting of operational decisions, which saves operators time and increases the confidence of fund LPs, improving the likelihood of follow-on investments.
9.3M+ ft2